Saturday, January 28, 2012

alexis paul sweat the vet.


dearest lexi got accepted into the Vet Program at Missouri!
seriously this is like med school people.
i could not be more proud of my cowgirl.
she has worked so incredibly hard for this.
gone through so much stress.
and it all paid off.
lexi is one of the funniest people i have ever met.
so straight to the point.
so honest.
so passionate.
so fierce.
so herself.
i love love love this girl and am seriously the luckiest to call her one of my greatest friends for the rest of our lives.

mary, scotty, and i took her out to dinner to celebrate.
company was fab.
food...not so much.
dang you beehive grill.

even though Missouri is so far away and four years is a long time (kinda)
i can't imagine lex doing anything else.
she was meant for this and is gonna kick every other vet student's booty.

love you alexis. now go find yourself a hot cowboy and save those animals' lives!!

1/27/2008 & 1/28/2012

I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for 4 years now. 
a decision that has changed my life in more ways than i could have possibly imagined.
i think it is so important to celebrate this day.
read through my journal entries from around this time.
look through pictures.
and just remember the sweetest/strongest spirit that was present.
i am so lucky.
I sometimes can't believe that it has only been 4 years. 
kind of feels waaayyyy longer than that.
but in the end,
it was the most special day that will define the rest of my life.
a decision i made that will bless the lives of my future family.

i can only find 3 whole pictures from the whole day on my computer...
kind of breaks my heart.

WAY funny, right?? 
they made me laugh.
what about pictures with, oh I don't family? the missionaries?? I will have to locate them.

but what makes this even better...
my best friend, you know this boy named keaton..
he gets to change the lives of people in Russia just like the Elders that taught me changed my life.
and is doing it right at this moment. 
it is almost 3 in the afternoon right now in Russia and that means he has performed his first baptism.
what an incredible feeling it is knowing that he gets to be that person that Evan will forever remember who taught him the truth.
AND to do this on his 4 month mark!

you heard it.
one sixth of the way done.
most people can't believe it has already been four months.
i beg to differ..
but i will definitely take it!
make sure you check out next week's email from Elder Flitton here.
i am sure it will be an exciting one!!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

do you ever feel like your to do lists are never ending?
that having even 28 hours in a day would still not be enough?
do you ever forget to eat a meal because you forgot to set a reminder to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
has the thought ever crossed your mind that instead of going to school to be a home ec. teacher, you would rather study engineering and learn how to build a time machine to make the next couple years fly by?

yeah, me too.

but its ok.
because i am living in the moment.
i am learning to enjoy the little things.
crossing off things on my to do list.
walking a little bit slower than usual home from class so i can have a free moment to myself and not have to be thinking about anything.
meeting new people and learning about them.
laughing at my silly mistakes.
filling up my water bottle at the drinking fountain and actually having it be cold instead of the regular room temperature water!
remembering that i am surrounded by a billion people who care for me and are more than willing to relieve even an ounce of my stress.

understanding that my Heavenly Father knows me perfectly and knows what needs to happen in order for me to become the person He wants me to be.

no matter the craziness that gets placed in front of me,
i am grateful to know there is a bigger picture.
this is only a glimpse of what is to be.

the little things are what make the big things, big things.
i gotta always remember that.

thanks for the vent sesh.
i am feeling much better now.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Did you know...

That I have the greatest mom?
We have good chats.
Whether while in the hot tub or late at night on the phone, they are great.
We fill each other in on our lives (mainly mine) and other peoples lives of course. We are funny.
I'm so very grateful to have such a fab momma.
She keeps me on track and helps me prepare for my life.
She is supportive, understanding and wise.
Told ya she was great.

Love you mom.

My dad is really really great, too!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Driving back to Logan this last week, I arrived in brigham city just around sunset. The new temple looked absolutely gorgeous!! I decided to take a little pit stop to get a closer look. I can't wait until the open house!!
I'm so blessed to be surrounded by so many temples. Logan, bountiful, salt lake, Jordan parkway, oquirrh mountain, draper, and now the brigham city!! It is so incredible.

Friday, January 6, 2012

the growth in Russia.

keat's aunt Jen, sent this video to me!
I absolutely love it! I didn't know the history of the Church in Russia at all so it was cool seeing this!
it is so special to think that Keaton is a part of this.

happy day 100!!