Monday, November 26, 2012


tatum ruby close is the greatest thing to happen to my fam. seriously. we are all completely smitten and obsessed and practically swoon with every little smirk, coo, and sneeze our sweet girl makes. and who's to blame us... just look at her.

Ok. the Ruby shrine is finished for the night. Notice how she doesn't look the same in any of these photos. She is constantly growing into her own person and her personality is showing more with each day! Feel free to join in on the swooning. I love my TatumTot. Can't believe it has already been almost two months!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

i'm baaaack.

So, here's the thing.
i really dislike blogging.
i admitted it.
I have been a very consistent journal writer this year (snaps for chan), so I justify not blogging.

I am not going to do a whole shpeel of whats been going on in my life the last who-knows-how-long.
because, let's face it...
A) If we are friends via fb, instagram, twitter, or heaven for bid face to face, you know EXACTLY what has been going on.
B) Who really reads those long and annoying posts anyway. I know I never make it through other people's recaps alive, so why bother putting you through the pain?

Ask my why I decided to return to the world of careless babbling as I stare ever so zombie like at my computer screen...
I have been home alone this entire week and I've pretty much just run out of things to do...
a face lift to the bloggyboo sounded entertaining enough.
then I realized i dont know what the crap is going on and it has taken me a lifetime to just add some freaking zigzags to the background. gaaaaahh.
but isn't it cute?

i will mention one..ok 2 or 3 things though.

1. my niece is definitely way cuter and sweeter and snugglier and fluffier, and teenier than anyone elses.
2. my hottie mishy boy has ten months left in the mother land. holla! only ten more months til i get my giant fur hat!!!
3. i have never realized how bad my love for One Tree Hill is until this week. It's kind of gross when I look at my phone and think to call Lucas or Brooke up to hang out, or wish Haley was my bff so she can tutor me in Chem. Or that I have dreams about Nathan Scott being my boyfriend more often than i do of Keaton...shoot. Please don't judge me too harshly.

I'm totes just so reds for the holidayzzz.
-shout out to my she wolfs-
