Well, it has been nearly an entire two months since my birthday. I am still going to do a recap because it was one of the best birthdays ever.
Cute Keaton took the day off of work. It was a Monday - I am liking weekday birthdays more and more as I get older- and we enjoyed the most delicious breakfast at our favorite Original Pancake House.
He had a surprise plan the rest of the day and of course I tried my best to get it out of him the entire week prior to my birthday. I am not the best with surprises…
During breakfast, Keat told me that we were going to Color Me Mine and that he had an idea that we would go there around my birthday each year and create something that we can keep and eventually have lots of different mementos. How sweet is that?
I have loved Color Me Mine since I was little and it was called Flying Colors. I even had my 5th grade birthday party there and still use the plate I created. Haha. Childhood memories…
Keat made a pretty outstanding Angels mug and I did a little polka dotted bowl/mug.
I wish I had a picture of them after they were finished because the colors are a lot better! We love using them.
After painting, Keat took me shopping to pick out some clothes. Who doesn't love that??

Later that night, we had dinner with my family. It was such a fun birthday!
To finish the night, we watched the Bachelor finale! Icing on the cake, I tell you!!
I am so lucky to have the world's greatest husband and family! Thank you to everyone who sent a birthday wish, I appreciate all of the love!
23 is going to treat me well, I can already tell.