Tuesday, November 16, 2010


what a great title for my very first blog post right? yeah. i am new to this. but decided its about time i actually follow through. Life is nuts, crazy, chaotic, but i love it. Being in college is a whole new lifestyle that i am still adjusting to. there have been twists and turns and ups and downs these first 3 months...wow 3 months already... but i've made it. living in logan has been grand.... debatable. i have found some fun, but lately it seems i have been a complete hermit. with the new addition of a television with dvd player to the room, my bed and remote with endless movie stock have been my best friends. this sounds horrible, but just being able to relax and watch tv makes living in a jail-cell-like dorm feel a little bit more like home.
the month of thanks is upon us...although it should be every month...
i have decided to be a bit more thankful for even the little things in my life..along with the biggies.

-my momma, who always finds time to take time out of her crazy hectic schedule to have a phone call with me and just see whats up.
-my coat and super cute warm and fuzzy snowboots, living in this logan weather, i would be lost without you.
-my cute seesta who is my twin...and really needs to help me make this blog look cute. :)
-my father, who is always droppin in whenever he is in logan
-my cute boyf. always knows how to make me smile on a crummy day.
-the scriptures and how simple they make the answers to all my life questions.
-living close to the library...especially when i am cramming a paper in the last few hours of the night..
-my roomie, and how she is okay with me putting hilarious pics of her on fb...and making me love gossip girl..
-and today i realized something i am grateful for that i have never noticed before...on a windy day and i'm walking outside, i am grateful when the wind is blowing the opposite way i am facing so my bangs dont fly directly into my face. i am not sure if that makes sense, but it is quite clear in my own mind...and it made me glad when that happened this afternoon.

soooo those are just a few things that i am grateful for in my life. there shall be more that pop into my mind throughout this month.

only one more week til i am home sweet home. <3

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