The Dickens Festival returned this year and my mother thought it a must to get a photo with Father Christmas, hoping it would turn out more "presentable" than the first...although it is quite the conversation starter during the holidays as it's presented in the front room.
It has been 14 years since the festival has been in Salt Lake. You better believe there is another photo, yet not as exciting as the first photo. I was actually pretty excited to see what the Dickens Festival was really like. I was so little and apparently, did not have the best memories of my experiences. The parents, Grandma Sylvia, Kacey, her boyfriend, Jordan, and my boyfriend, Keaton, all piled in the car and made the journey. It was pretty fun and I enjoyed myself. It seemed to be more of a swap meet with vendors dressed up in grungy old English costumes speaking in less than perfect English accents. Nevertheless, it was fun spending time with family and really getting to experience and be aware of what the Dickens Festival really entails and is all about. It would be fun to keep the tradition of the Father Christmas pictures going, wouldn't it? Who knows, maybe Kacey and I will have pictures with our own future children and that old man...
the four of us with Father Christmas.
After the festival, we all headed off to the annual Ashton Family Christmas Party at This is the Place State Park! I love going there each year! It is fun to see the family and get to know my relatives who I don't get to see very often. Dad delighted everyone with a few Christmas carols on his guitar. I always love hearing him sing and play.
My favorite part was when the Christmas Carolers came in and entertained us with their INCREDIBLE voices. hopefully I will figure out how to post a video on here to share.
All in all, the day and weekend home was fab. I can't wait to get these dang finals over with and be on my way home for Christmas break.
and don't forget what this season is all about. you can never remind yourself enough...

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