3 years ago, i was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
that decision has changed my life for the much better.
it is incredible to think that it has only been 3 years. it feels like longer than that...kind of my whole life.
Just thinking about that day makes my whole being fill with happiness.
last night, i went to see the Joseph Smith movie. i couldn't imagine a better thing to do to celebrate. everyone could always use that little boost. the USU Institute provided it for us and encouraged everyone to bring a non-member or less active friend. there were a lot of people there and afterwards the missionaries were being ambushed by all everyone wanting to know more. it was a great feeling to know that people really are looking for the truth and are looking in the right place.
that makes me remember my "conversion story" and how HUGE of an impact my friends had on me. i was surrounded by positive examples. my support system was unreal. i never had anyone ask me what the heck i was doing in a negative manner. everywhere i turned, there was someone there wanting to answer any questions i had or even just offer a loving word of advice.
missionaries are great. i love thinking about all my friends leaving right now and
the incredible things they are going to do. i am so happy that Keaton has made the decision to go on a mission. i love him even more for it. he will change the lives of so many people. guarantee it. his testimony is so strong. he makes me want to be better.
i love this gospel. i know it's true. i love the comfort it gives me daily. i never have to worry about the little petty things and just focus on what i need to do in order to be in tune with the Spirit.
best decision i ever made.
remember: "The Lord will never let us fall further than our knees."

ReplyDeleteI loved this post! i am so happy that you made this choice too! i love you so much and you are such a huge example to all of us! i was so glad to be your friend during that and be a part of the whole thing! Especially to be there for the day it happened! :)
Love you chan!