this 30 day thing has lasted about 63 ish days.
and to be honest..i am quite over it.
i have better things to blog about.
sooo here ya go.
day 20

traveling to this beauty is a must.
day 21
something that makes me happy...
kind strange and cheesy.

ANYTHING that has to do with planning weddings, i am obsessed with.
it makes me sooo happy to just sit and blog stalk, sorry, wedding blogs and just see different and unique ideas people are using these days for their weddings. it is a stress reliever.
and hey, it is better to be over prepared than under prepared, right?
day 22
i have never really been a fan of confusing illusions...

more of a headache, if you ask me.
day 23
Courtney Cutshaw and I have been best friends since we were about 12(ish) years old.

we have played volleyball together for many years. we don't see each other much anymore, but i know that our friendship will last forever.
day 24
i love my daddy!

my mom and dad have both been my number one fans my whole life. i have grown up having my friends know him as Coach Daniels. I loved heading to the ball fields for a little pitching practice every saturday morning with him. Now that i am older and in college, i look forward to the days every other week when he comes to Logan for work. Just seeing him for a minute really are moments i love in the midst of the craziness i call life. My dad has always been so smart and funny. Although sometimes i didn't quite get the humor, he still always puts a smile on our faces and keeps the dinner table entertaining.
day 25
my cute little cousin Caden is always entertaining.

i am so glad i have gotten to babysit him and his sister addison. i love them so much and am so happy to really have a relationship with them and watch them learn and grow! i miss them and hope to watch them A LOT this summer!!!
day 26
these two women are phenomenal.

my grandma sylvia and greatgrandma ruby. I am so lucky to know these women. i am also lucky to have so many grandparents. 8 to be exact, since my greatgrandpa passed away almost a year ago. these women are so fabulous and have lived wonderful lives. dang kacey dibbed Ruby for her future daughter's name before i had the chance. i am a jelly belly on that one.
day 27

i am even too big of a baby to google search images of a real fish, just in case really scary ones popped on the screen. so this is what i found :)
day 28


a lot of change has taken place in 2010.
-i graduated high school
-i moved to college
-i got an incredible job as an RA
-i declared my major as FSCE
-i stopped playing volleyball
-i figured out a little bit of who i am
-i made soo many new friends
-said goodbye to my best ones...only temporarily.
2010 treated me well, no complaining.
day 29

this photo will forever make me smile.
this is one of the first photos keaton and i had ever taken together. this night was so much fun. We went to coldstone along with kacey and mr spencer jolley. It was just a perfect summer night full of laughs and good times. it is just a reminder of how much mine and keaton's relationship has grown, and i couldn't be happier!
day 30
Who am I?
ooh sorry, was this whole thing supposed to make me find my true inner self?
well, honestly although i feel as if i have grown into Chandler, i still have a lot of figuring out to do. but what i do know is this:
-i am happy, or at least try to be
-i am surrounded by people every single day who want to see me succeed and will help me do so
-i am a Daughter of God
-i learn from my mistakes
-i am just trying to be the best person i can be
I am Chandler Hanna Daniels, the one and only :)
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