i just had the best sunday of my life.
i love being surrounded by so many people to love the gospel.
loving to go to church has been something i have always needed to work on a bit more.
but being with my friends has made me LOVE it.
it was fast and testimony meeting today and it was OUTSTANDING how fast the front row was full of people waiting to go and bear their testimonies. luckily i was number 2 so i did not have to sit there and have my nerves kill me slowly.
i have met the most spiritual and compassionate people while living in logan.
i love that i have two great guy friends who take being a worthy priesthood holder seriously.
i learn so much from everyone every single day. it is a rare day when we don't have a discussion about something gospel related and my knowledge has just soared through the roof the past few months.
i am grateful to have so many great friends that love going to visit the assisted living center and singing hymns for the residents.
we have done it for about two months now and i feel a bond with some of the great women who we have met.
tonight, we sang Families Can Be Together Forever, to a great woman named Louise.
after the song, we could tell she was really emotional and touched by the words.
she then tells us all "You know, it is so true" she told us how her husband was baptized 3 days before he passed away and how blessed she is to be able to return to him soon. Looking at the group of my friends with tear filled eyes and hearts full of love i knew that that moment was a moment i will never forget.
the blessings i receive from my service are worth more to me than any worldly thing.
i know i am where im supposed to be because of my friends.

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