first off:
Congrats to my fave cousin ashley aka smash.
She is engaged and i could not be more excited for her! i am so lucky that we have classes together and get to see each other everyday this semester. it brings back all the fun we had when we were little and i love it!
congrats ash and jon!
and best of luck to you two and your happy future together!
mel duff's birthday was on valentines day!

we all took her out to Olive Garden for dinner! best part was when her best friend Will showed up and surprised her at the table!! cutest thing i have ever seen.
it was so fun to spend the day with her and celebrate her birthday!

after dinner, celebrating with her cupcakes

the red velvet cupcakes i made
one of the best parts about this day was reading all of the signs that jordan, lexi, and allie wrote and hung around their apartment.
two of my favorites:

last but most def not least:
my parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on the 15th. i never have even thought that they were old enough to have been married that long! they dated for 6 years before they got hitched, which makes it really 31 years that they have been together. now THAT makes them sound old...and believe me it is fun to tease them about it, all in good fun of course.
i love my parents so much. they are always there for me and always willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that kacey and i have every opportunity to succeed in our lives. i am grateful to call them my parents. i always hope to make them proud. they give their all to each other and their family. i am so lucky to have such a great example of love in my life. i know that they have MANY years of love and happiness ahead of them.
even though they are abandoning me in logan and heading to hawaii for a week, i will somehow find it in my soul to forgive them. at least they return the day before my bday!(maybe i will get a cool present from the islands?)
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