yes it is true.
this weekend was seriously one of my favorites.
except one thing.
i FAILED at taking pictures.
i managed to get a couple on Easter evening, so that is good.
friday, i didn't get home until evening time and we started the Easter festivities.
With my dad being in china and keaton getting some bff time with matt, since he leaves on his mission on wednesday, mom and i were each others dates when a bunch of kacey's friends showed up to tag along.
that lasted a whole 2 eggs worth and i was spent.
ready to hop in a comfy bed and catch some Z's.
Saturday was jam packed with all sorts of adventures.
shopping - new cardi and PILLOW!!! happy easter to me.
the shower for kace and ash/annual easter egg hunt - it was the beginning of everything for kacey and kind of a wrap-up for ash!! SO excited for ashley and jon!! less than 2 weeks until their big day!! WOOHOO! i LOVED seeing aunt kell and her cute kids! i miss them so much and am lucky to have gotten to visit with them!
keaton's gparents 50th anniversary party/ callie's bday party/easter egg hunt/ guess where keaton goes on his mission celebration - and you better believe we did ALL of it. i absolutely love spending time with keat's family. they are so welcoming and loving. and it doesn't hurt that his little cousin coleman, age 4, asked me to be his bff. love him!!
that pretty much wraps up easter eve..
matt's farwell - keat's best friend, leaving for Hawaii on wednesday! He is going to do INCREDIBLE things for the people of hawaii! this just makes keaton even more anxious to get his call and get on his way!
dinner at gma ruby's - after a very much needed sunday nap, we all headed to gma ruby's for a great company and a yummy dinner. shout out to my aunt gina - can't wait to prepare for our turn on cupcake wars!! :)
now here i am, back in logan..dreading the OBNOXIOUS sound of the on-call phone ringing.
i sure do love spending time with family. being with the ones you love brings such happiness to my life. with all of the wedding showers starting, it makes me even more excited to know that i will be able to see everyone so often and so soon!!
HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE. i feel so blessed to understand the truth and fullness of the easter season. it brings such comfort to know that my Heavenly Father sacrificed His Son for me. i am blessed to know that because of Him, i will be able to return to His presence and be with my family for eternity. there is no greater blessing.

what what?! 2 weeks of school left? yesssssss.
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