Friday, August 12, 2011

the inevitable.

yep. i chopped my hair again.
and i absolutely love it.
no matter how much i love love love longer hair,
i have come to the realization that i am a short hair kind of gal.

plus i thought i needed to change it up a bit.
because it's not like i have enough change headed my way, right?

for example.
47 days people.
it is nearing closer.
he is so ready.
and now he will be even more handsome dressed in his yellow ties and gray and black suits.
i know it's wrong, but i seriously swoon over him and his handsomeness in his missionary attire.

another example
i made the journey to logan this morning.
and i am all settled in my cozy, stark white, cinder block wall dorm room.
that makes it sound way worse than it is.
thank heavens for DIY craft decor on pinterest.

my dear mother, sister, and sweet boyf helped my move in.
it went so much faster with all of their help.
i am so grateful for that!!

 so hear's to another fab year in cache valley.
i can't wait until my girls get here in about a week and a half!
that will make it even better!

"if nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies." - unknown

so true. xoxo


  1. love the quote. love that you swoon over keaton. love your hair. you are BEAUTIFUL! i need to talk to you asap. and cant wait to be up there with you. i love you

  2. You look beautiful! I love the cut! :)

  3. hi, i am in LOVE with your hair. i am definitely a short hair girl as well, i seriously am going to cut mine this weekend because i just saw yours and mine was short last summer and i'm so tempted again to do it. i have to haahhaha i love it, you look beautiful. i love your posts keep them coming! :)

  4. ali you are so cute!! haha you make me laugh!! but thank you very much!!! you better post some pics of your new do :)
