Friday, September 13, 2013

5 days.

How is it possible that the last 716 days have been a breeze and just flown right by and now we are down to 5 days and I feel like time will not move?
It's killin me.
I am so ready to see that man.

If you are wondering, these are my emotions:

-minor nervous tummy when I think too much about it
-Nervousness for how awkward it might be at the airport with everyone watching...
-Excited that I have pretty much the whole next week off of life. (Tender mercies. God is good to me)

ok, this is making me think too much about it.
nervous tummy...

May 4, 2011

1 comment:

  1. I totally felt like the day was going to come and go and he would still be gone. I couldn't even comprehend seeing him in person until I was in the way to the airport and then I was still shocked hen he actually came down the stairs. Enjoy the day and take pictures!!!!!
