Tuesday, November 18, 2014

wish list '14

I know. I KNOW. we still have another week until Thanksgiving, but my brain has been seeing red and green for weeks now. (our tree may or may not have been up for a week already….)
Everything is always just a bit more exciting when you are a newlywed and have a place of your own to decorate and a husband to start new traditions with. It's all very exciting.
I'm not one to forget the "reason for the season", but I do enjoy some pretty things.
And that is why I have thrown together a little wish list for the 2014 season.
We have been given SO much this year and I am forever grateful. That is why I want to put an emphasis on "WISH" list. These are fun things that I have always wanted, but couldn't afford, or they weren't on a big enough discount for my "bargain brain".

This list contains some major WANTS instead of NEEDS, but it's my list so I will do what I want.

i would DIE. Use it every day and annoy the crap out of my poor husband-always asking to pose or "seriously, smile cute this time". Anyone else guilty of this?
It sure is pretty, but one can only dream…

s'cute, right?

a girl can never have too many.
And that dark navy color is really catching' my fancy these chilly days!

This looks like something I could wear to work or take a nap in it. Done deal. 

If you haven't been to the container store at Fashion Place Mall yet, you're nuts. This is practically heaven on earth. 
I would be happy with any/every thing in this place!

I'm so down for these yummy bebes.

I've been fawning over these for months.
My wrist needs it.

I'm a simple girl, really...
Happy Shopping y'all.

 photo ChandlerSIG_zpsafc2d310.png

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