- We rang in the new year together snuggled on our couch. Nothin better.
- I get to watch Tatum when she doesn't have school some days and we always have fun together, even though I take pics when she is trying to enjoy her Mac & Cheese.
- The cutest family that I nanny for had a new babe the first week of January. She is an angle and I am pretty obsessed with her. It is eye opening what it's like to really take care of newborn. I hope that my future kids are as easy as this sweet girl!
I love that her big brother is still snuggly and fun!! He loves her and kisses her head all the time. My heart.
- This is so not important, but I colored my hair way blonde it freaks me out still. Its been almost a month and I still am surprised when I look in the mirror. I love it, I really do. It has just been a way big change. Don't mind my mirror selfie at work. This was the day after and I couldn't stop looking at myself (in the least narcissistic way possible)
- Keaton's sweet Grandpa Kay passed away at the end of February. His health had been declining for the last year, but it is always sad to say goodbye to someone who is so loving and sweet. It is a relief that he no longer feels any pain and we are so grateful for our knowledge of the Gospel and the Plan of Salvation. It is always even just a little bit easier and softens the pain during the sadness. We had a memorial service and SO many people showed up. It was a great night to be with everyone who loved Grandpa Kay. I remember when Keat and I started dating, he would always welcome me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and call me beautiful. We are both blessed with such great families. We will always miss you!!!
- In January, we had a little "Staycation" to downtown. It was fun and relaxing and it always surprises me how it really does feel like a getaway, even though we are only a 15 minute drive away. Thanks to Marriott, we get to do this a lot more often and we are so fine with it.

- WE ARE GOING TO DISNEYLAND! We planned a little trip for our 1 year anniversary in July. It may not sound like much, but we are so in love with SoCal and the magic of Disneyland. We have a countdown and its all very, very exciting.
- I got another job with DelSol! It is just a little gig where I come up with a nail design using DelSol's color changing nail polish and then make a tutorial video twice a month! You really should check out the youtube channel HERE! This is a link to the latest video with a cute St Patrick's day design!
- For the first time ever, Keaton and I celebrated Valentine's Day together!! It was pretty spectacular. We went to our favorite Thai restaurant, Ekamai. We are curry lovers 4 evs. Valentine's is such a silly holiday, but it was pretty fun being cheesy and lovey all day.
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