Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Fare thee well, 2014. I'll miss you.

There is a huge part of me that is sad to say goodbye to 2014. It literally has been full of life changing events and memories. It's hard to put into words just how much this year has meant to me. The biggest events thus far in my life have taken place in the last 12 months. It's hard not to get emotional when I think of every little thing I was blessed with. The people, the places, the growth, the hard work, the laughs, the tears… Every aspect of this year has had an impact on my future and what I hope to become.
Highlights of my year (in chronological order):
-FINALLY getting engaged to the perfect guy. January 24th is a night I will always remember!!

-Student Teaching at Hillcrest Junior High School was one of the most stressful aspects. I learned SO much and am grateful to my amazing cooperating teacher, the faculty at the school and of course, my students for not killing me!

-Planning as much of a wedding as I could before leaving to Norway! I knew I would be getting a lot of planning done through Skype, and that just wasn't going to cut it for my anxious personality. Lots was accomplished in a VERRRRY short amount of time.

-Living in Norway for 3 months was the absolute biggest adventure. There was so much I didn't know about the country, the people, the whole process of even getting there. All I knew is that I was supposed to go there and experience the things that I did. I met life-long friends in my teachers and students. I cry all the time thinking of the fun adventures we went on and the outstanding love and acceptance I felt each and everyday from all of them. I miss it more than I every thought I would. Thank goodness for Facebook and the internet to help us keep in touch.

-Along with living in Norway, traveling to London and Germany is something I had always wanted to do. I was able to spend a week in those beautiful countries. The memories are always there and it was  a week I will fondly remember the rest of my life. So charming and quaint. I can't wait to go back!

-Graduating from Utah State University with my Bachelors of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences Education. I never ever pictured myself old enough to be in college, let alone be a college graduate. I had the best support system to fall back on when it got too difficult here and there and then to help rise again. I love Utah State and I loved my time in Logan. Those were the years that I truly came to know myself and learn what type of human I was going to be and progress towards that. Missing it a lot.

-Receiving my endowments in the Draper LDS Temple on July 5. I was so nervous, yet so calm. I knew this was exactly where I needed to be at that exact moment. It's almost magical. There was a moment this night when I saw Keaton and I was overwhelmed with so much love for him and it all became so real that he was the person I get to be with every single day for the rest of my life and nothing had ever felt more correct or comforting.

-Being Sealed to my Keaton for time and all eternity on July 12, 2014 in the Draper LDS Temple. I woke up with my two best friends in my bed that morning. They helped me get ready as I waited for my groom to arrive and take me to the temple. It feels like a blur. A beautiful blur. This experience is so sacred to me. I remember Keaton holding my hand every second. My sister helping me change into my wedding gown. Knowing that I was a WIFE. I had a husband and he is mine forever. Then greeting our best friends and family as we walked through the gold doors. So much love surrounding us!! We are so blessed. Then getting to enjoy the day and evening at our reception was more than we could have asked for! It was everything we could have imagined.

-Our honeymoon to SoCal. Our first road trip as husband and wife. I don't think we lowered off of cloud 9 the entire time. It was perfect.

-Keaton got a new job and I advanced in my current one. We are lucky to have them to support each other and build our future together.

-Getting settled in our first home, trying to overcome its quirks. We still are getting used to them even after 5 months, but it's ours.

-Celebrating the holidays together as husband and wife. We have dreamed of these moments for nearly 6 years. Waking up together on Christmas morning was the very best present. Realizing this is our life and not wanting to change a single aspect of it.

As sad as I am to turn the page, I am obvs way excited for what's to come. Who knows what 2015 has to offer. Maybe it will be a quiet year since 2014 was so full for us. We won't know until we get there, but we do know that we are so overwhelmingly blessed. We are grateful for the love and support we have felt and received and we know as long as we have each other, this year will be full of adventures and excitement.

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