Sunday, January 30, 2011

purchase of the week.

i CANNOT express how excited i am about these babies.

some may think i am crazy...but i am in love with these cute little cookie cutters.
and only 6 bucks
i took a little trip to IKEA this weekend with Kace, Jordan, and Keaton.
the two boys had never been there to mine and Kacey's despair.
we weren't there very long, but it was splendid to get my IKEA fix in. i think it should be mandatory for every person to just even go walk through the maze of happiness and admire the displays.

but these cookie cutters aren't the only surprise.
i also purchased some really great frosting tips and bags. now i can make (or attempt) these fine beauties.

i think this year i shall attempt to make my own birthday cake and/or cupcake cake.
cue inspiration:

how delightful would that be?!!

...better start practicing.

i also ran across these:

adorable. i know.
this made me want to have little boys right this instant so i can plan their birthday parties and make these.

crazy? yeah..

but anyway. i can't wait to put my newly purchased toys to work!

updates on my success rate soon to come.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

1 choice. Eternal Happiness.

well today is quite a splendid day for me.

3 years ago, i was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

that decision has changed my life for the much better.
it is incredible to think that it has only been 3 years. it feels like longer than that...kind of my whole life.
Just thinking about that day makes my whole being fill with happiness.
last night, i went to see the Joseph Smith movie. i couldn't imagine a better thing to do to celebrate. everyone could always use that little boost. the USU Institute provided it for us and encouraged everyone to bring a non-member or less active friend. there were a lot of people there and afterwards the missionaries were being ambushed by all everyone wanting to know more. it was a great feeling to know that people really are looking for the truth and are looking in the right place.

that makes me remember my "conversion story" and how HUGE of an impact my friends had on me. i was surrounded by positive examples. my support system was unreal. i never had anyone ask me what the heck i was doing in a negative manner. everywhere i turned, there was someone there wanting to answer any questions i had or even just offer a loving word of advice.

missionaries are great. i love thinking about all my friends leaving right now and
the incredible things they are going to do. i am so happy that Keaton has made the decision to go on a mission. i love him even more for it. he will change the lives of so many people. guarantee it. his testimony is so strong. he makes me want to be better.

i love this gospel. i know it's true. i love the comfort it gives me daily. i never have to worry about the little petty things and just focus on what i need to do in order to be in tune with the Spirit.

best decision i ever made.

remember: "The Lord will never let us fall further than our knees."

I'm going there someday...

Monday, January 24, 2011

too soon for a wish list?

the big OneNine is in less than two months.

I had an epiphany during Clothing Productions class today.
and am delighted to share.

how beautiful is that?

just think of all the marvelous masterpieces i could create on this little devil.

and you have to remember...
it is for my education and my future career.

sooo what do you say, mom and dad?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

kim k say what?

it's a new thing i am trying.
i'll keep it..
until i start getting called Kim,
i mean then i will have to change back...
that would just totally be embarrassing.

warning: Blog Overload.

i am following suit.
this 30 day thing has lasted about 63 ish days.
and to be honest..i am quite over it.
i have better things to blog about.
sooo here ya go.

day 20

traveling to this beauty is a must.

day 21
something that makes me happy...
kind strange and cheesy.

ANYTHING that has to do with planning weddings, i am obsessed with.
it makes me sooo happy to just sit and blog stalk, sorry, wedding blogs and just see different and unique ideas people are using these days for their weddings. it is a stress reliever.
and hey, it is better to be over prepared than under prepared, right?

day 22
i have never really been a fan of confusing illusions...

more of a headache, if you ask me.

day 23
Courtney Cutshaw and I have been best friends since we were about 12(ish) years old.

we have played volleyball together for many years. we don't see each other much anymore, but i know that our friendship will last forever.

day 24
i love my daddy!

my mom and dad have both been my number one fans my whole life. i have grown up having my friends know him as Coach Daniels. I loved heading to the ball fields for a little pitching practice every saturday morning with him. Now that i am older and in college, i look forward to the days every other week when he comes to Logan for work. Just seeing him for a minute really are moments i love in the midst of the craziness i call life. My dad has always been so smart and funny. Although sometimes i didn't quite get the humor, he still always puts a smile on our faces and keeps the dinner table entertaining.

day 25
my cute little cousin Caden is always entertaining.

i am so glad i have gotten to babysit him and his sister addison. i love them so much and am so happy to really have a relationship with them and watch them learn and grow! i miss them and hope to watch them A LOT this summer!!!

day 26
these two women are phenomenal.

my grandma sylvia and greatgrandma ruby. I am so lucky to know these women. i am also lucky to have so many grandparents. 8 to be exact, since my greatgrandpa passed away almost a year ago. these women are so fabulous and have lived wonderful lives. dang kacey dibbed Ruby for her future daughter's name before i had the chance. i am a jelly belly on that one.

day 27

i am even too big of a baby to google search images of a real fish, just in case really scary ones popped on the screen. so this is what i found :)

day 28


a lot of change has taken place in 2010.
-i graduated high school
-i moved to college
-i got an incredible job as an RA
-i declared my major as FSCE
-i stopped playing volleyball
-i figured out a little bit of who i am
-i made soo many new friends
-said goodbye to my best ones...only temporarily.

2010 treated me well, no complaining.

day 29

this photo will forever make me smile.
this is one of the first photos keaton and i had ever taken together. this night was so much fun. We went to coldstone along with kacey and mr spencer jolley. It was just a perfect summer night full of laughs and good times. it is just a reminder of how much mine and keaton's relationship has grown, and i couldn't be happier!

day 30
Who am I?
ooh sorry, was this whole thing supposed to make me find my true inner self?

well, honestly although i feel as if i have grown into Chandler, i still have a lot of figuring out to do. but what i do know is this:
-i am happy, or at least try to be
-i am surrounded by people every single day who want to see me succeed and will help me do so
-i am a Daughter of God
-i learn from my mistakes
-i am just trying to be the best person i can be

I am Chandler Hanna Daniels, the one and only :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

sweet music.

a good song...

and surprisingly it is TSwift.

Elevator buttons and morning air,
Strangers silence makes me wanna take the stairs.
If you were here we'd laugh about their vacant stares,
But right now my time is theirs.
Seems like there's always someone who disapproves.
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you.

Don't you worry your pretty little mind,
People throw rocks at things that shine
and life makes love look hard.
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours.

And it's not theirs to speculate if it's wrong and
Your hands are tough but they are where mine belong in.
I'll fight their doubt and give you faith with this song for you.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

absence makes the heart grow fonder.

{day 19. someone i miss}

i have only been back in logan for a few days now but i am missing this kid quite a lot.

i mean, how can you not love this face?

i really do miss these girls and the great times we had. i have grown up with some of these girls, and they brought soo much joy to my life. i am grateful to call them friends. i am sad we never see each other but it was fun to be together constantly back in the day :) and not gonna lie...we were DANG good volleyball players.

and of course these girls..

skipped 17 for now.

since i am challenged when it comes to uploading youtube videos to this thing, i am going to have to skip day 17 (favorite song) day until i get some help....

cast of my fave show(s).

(back when it was worthy of watching...)

aaand sadly...

i know, i know. there are many more things i should be doing with my time. but it has never hurt anyone to be caught up on a bit of pop culture every now and then :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 16...

{who would I switch lives with for a day}

not gonna lie. these next two women....LOVE them.
it's an illness, probably.
but seriously.

she's breathtaking. she has an outstanding voice. she has become what she is by pure talent. hats off to you beyonce.

just call me fierce. sasha fierce.

and then there is this lady.
to be famous for being ridiculously good looking would be kind of fun. right?
i really just want her hair...

i mean, i gotta put my black girl booty to good use. that is one thing, i am proud to say, that the 3 of us have in common. i am not ashamed.

(maybe i will wait to switch with kim k until her and reggie are back together :) )

what to do before I die.

I am sure there are a lot of things that I would like to do before I die, like skydiving or something crazy like that..but me being not the most adventurous person out there, that is not at the top of my list.

but really the only thing that is sticking out in my mind at the moment is this..

being able to go through the temple with my eternal companion next to me is the most important event that will happen to me in my life. it makes me excited, anxious, but most of all happy. to know I will be with the person I love the most and my future family for eternity is so comforting. I look forward to this and am grateful for the opportunity in my life.