Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hi Hello

Oh my word.
Why do I do this to myself?
So much has happened in such a short amount of time that this sweet little blog has fallen to the wayside.
I will just say that these past 5 months have been pure bliss.
They have been full of adjustment and change.
I finished another semester of school.
Moved home to Murray permanently (for a couple months).
Had the happiest and wealthiest of holidays.
Fell in love all over again.
Am currently student teaching.
Leaving for Norway (second half of student teaching) in NINE days.
Trying really really hard to stay sane while planning a wedding, student teaching, and preparing to live in Norway for 2 months.
I'm absolutely thrilled to have this opportunity.
It's just a lot to take it all at once.
Who wants to leave a cute fiancé??
Not me!
But two months will fly.
And it's not like we haven't done it before...

I will do individual posts about the whole engagement story and little things here and there.

shout to the one and only Kenzi Staples for giving this blog of mine a cute new face!!
Check her out here!!

Check back soon for the whole engagement story!!!
